Odyssey: from East to West

Odyssey: from East to West

On a never ending quest to find my home

Hello and welcome to my personal adventure blog! I created this website to publicly share my travels and adventure around Europe and the rest of the world since I left my country of birth in search for a new home. My rollercoaster of a life has had plenty of ups and downs with unexpected twists and turns. If there’s a few things I’ve learned from my experiences over the past years is to never give up on your dreams, to get up and fight on even when all seems to be against you and to be open minded and adapt to your new surroundings and situations.

I hope my story will help inspire others to go out there and explore the world in pursuit of their dreams!

From the rolling hills of Transylvania, through the fjords of Norway and across the high mountains of Switzerland. From the heartwarming center of Copenhagen, through the rugged landscapes of Iceland, towards the shores of Greece. From the historic centers Budapest, Athens and Amsterdam, through the forests of Lithuania all the way across the Atlantic Ocean to the vast terrains of Canada and the bustling metropolis’ of the United States of America. My story begins here!

Additional info

You can always find my most recent publications on Posts at the top of the page, or by scrolling down to the news section. There is a brief description of myself in the About me section and if you wish to contact me, or stay up to date with my most recent posts you can fill out the contact form on the Stay in touch section. You can also reach me on Instagram, Twitter, or Facebook if you wish to do so.

I also created a YouTube channel in support of this website, where I will occasionally share some video content relating to my posts. It’s a little barren now, but it will grow in time as I advance through my story, I promise!

Last, but not least, I have recently opened the store section with some custom merch that I designed. This includes, but is not limited to mugs, t-shirts, caps and other clothing items. Please have a look if interested and if you have any ideas for other items with the Odyssey: East to West logo or other designs, feel free to shoot me a message and I will see what I can do. Keep in mind that the store section is still very much a work in progress for now.

Helpful links

If you would like to jump into my archive and find specific posts, I have categorized my content based on countries. Just follow the links below to jump to the one you’d like to read through!

| Denmark | Germany | Iceland | Norway | Romania | Spain | Switzerland | The Netherlands |

I will continue updating the list as I add more countries in future posts.
